İngilizce Yemek Duası Orneği
Dining prayer
Phil showed us the blessings we Sultanımız O samples and the shadows of the originals, to mebalarını And they celbet makarri reign Mahfettirme this desert us Take us before Have mercy on us Here you taste the delicious bounties of us feed him there Tazib with us to shoot and teb'id I appreciate derived and executed the following muti raiyyetini to stop rambling Yarab! kusurumuzu forgive us accept its use Custody until the time that the hair kabzetmek Emenetini us The body that our soul, our hearts, souls, our minds, our stomach dominate the action Servants who wants to thank the flavor action YA RAB! The Messenger of Allah pbuh u Ekrem Vesselamın're bestowed upon us the honor of blessing our food material and spiritual blessings bestowed upon me! Amen!
Dining prayer
Phil showed us the blessings we Sultanımız O samples and the shadows of the originals, to mebalarını And they celbet makarri reign Mahfettirme this desert us Take us before Have mercy on us Here you taste the delicious bounties of us feed him there Tazib with us to shoot and teb'id I appreciate derived and executed the following muti raiyyetini to stop rambling Yarab! kusurumuzu forgive us accept its use Custody until the time that the hair kabzetmek Emenetini us The body that our soul, our hearts, souls, our minds, our stomach dominate the action Servants who wants to thank the flavor action YA RAB! The Messenger of Allah pbuh u Ekrem Vesselamın're bestowed upon us the honor of blessing our food material and spiritual blessings bestowed upon me! Amen!